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What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – It is no secret to anyone that we are facing an invasion of robots. Bots -or software robots- have been taking over our companies discreetly and silently, automating repetitive and low-value processes for the business, which until recently had to be done by a person over and over again as part of their job duties.

This use of technology to which more and more companies are joining is called robotic process automation  and offers them great benefits. Today we will focus on explaining what it is about.

What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

Robotic process automation , or RPA for its acronym in English, is a technology that allows configuring computer software or robots to emulate and execute in an integrated and autonomous (or semi-autonomous) manner the actions or steps of a human interaction with certain digital systems. , in such a way that it can execute a commercial process.In other words, it is programming a virtual robot to do what a person would do on their computer, this in a more expeditious, safer and uninterrupted way; activities such as data entry, processing standard transactions, or answering simple customer service questions.

How does RPA robotic process automation work?

RPA works by replicating the actions of a human being who interacts with applications or systems to perform different tasks, through a script that is executed by the bot under a defined set of business rules.

The operation of the types of process automation software  varies according to the tool that is being used and the type of process that is automated, however, there are some basic principles for all: programming interfaces and systems integration.

Softimization Botkers

At Softimiza we create Botkers , a solution to design and develop bots and digital workers (digital workers) that adapt to the execution of simple and complex tasks. An on-demand or custom-designed robotic process automation software.
Integrations are required for the bot to work with your business applications. Some bots will scrape the screen and still perform the tasks, however, integration is more reliable than scraping, because the latter has a higher chance of causing errors.

Programming interfaces are required because the bots need to be programmed, however it is relatively simple compared to other types of programming and there are ways to program RPA bots without code.

What are the benefits of implementing RPA?

A robot does not have the needs of a worker: it does not have to rest, or go to the bathroom, or get sick. What’s more, it can work 24 hours a day performing tasks in different areas of the organization, and in general the robot can significantly reduce the execution time of these tasks, also reducing the number of errors that humans can make that they used to do. the process. Thus, there are several benefits that derive from a correct implementation of RPA in your company:

Saved Man Hours –  RPA takes care of repetitive tasks saving valuable time and resources, plus they cost less than a full-time employee.

Error reduction: The fatigue or lack of knowledge that leads to human errors does not happen with bots, so the rate is reduced.

Agility and increased productivity: robots do more in less time and don’t forget to consider that there is no time wasted correcting errors.

Improve response and compliance times: Automation reduces the risk of delays by introducing precision into your operations.

Making the most of employee time: automating repetitive administrative processes allows human workers to focus on complex value-added tasks for the business.

Why is RPA fashionable?

Just as 12 years ago we started talking about Business Intelligence and Big Data, now the fashionable term in the business sector is RPA. Because? Simply because we have reach a time where tools can perform a significant variety of activities that they couldn’t before and that didn’t allow processes to be truly automated.

Today, thanks to technological advances, it is possible for a robot to open an email, extract an attached file, open it, read it, and recognize certain information contained in said document and take actions based on it.

it is possible for a robot to enter a web page, authenticate itself and perform tasks within said site without the server where it is hosted knowing that it is a machine.

Today, even, it is possible for a robot that only exists inside your phone, to make a call and interact with a person, for example to request a hairdressing appointment, without the need for its human to be involved or without the other person. know that you are talking to a robot.

RPA, more than just a fad, is a new way of leveraging technology to increase productivity, to free up valuable time for your employees, and to automate tasks that, while adding little value (and satisfaction) to your employees and your business, they take a lot of time.

Considering this, have you decided to automate your processes? At help you with the process, we automate, robotize and transform your business processes seeking to generate positive impacts on the strategic objectives of your company. Contact Us!

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Written by New Digital Hub

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